Behind the scenes on an intriguing craft studio tour with maker Tabitha Bargh
For many creatives, the craft studio is their own world, just as it is for me, but I understand that it’s not an environment most people get to enter into every day. That’s why I wanted to share my space with you.
Being in the studio is special. I’m surrounded by other creatives in an experience that makes me feel happy and at home. My tools are there and all the things I use to create my lighting. It’s a place where I can be alone with my ideas, but call for another set of creative eyes when challenges arise or the work doesn’t flow.
For me, there’s nowhere like it. Let me show you round.
Inside the workshop
The space that I have is divided into two areas; a workshop and a studio. The workshop is where I cut the cardboard with a sophisticated laser cutter. I carefully position the material before cutting it into the shapes I need for each light.
I moved my business from the kitchen table a few years ago and the leap felt huge but with equipment like this, working at home isn't really an option!
Cardboard shapes stack up and are sorted ready to be carried over to the studio area where I’ll later glue each set painstakingly by hand.
My cardboard craft studio
Cardboard is the main material I use in my work. It’s simple and perhaps something that other people might find dull, just fit for the recycling bin, but for me it has all kinds of possibilities.
There’s an element of surprise with cardboard, a way of cutting and stacking it that creates the most beautiful patterns and shadows. Why would we overlook something that is so beautiful and sustainable?
I don’t need lots of special tools to work with cardboard. My main tools are my own hands.
In the studio, I pile the cardboard high on shelves, organising things into raw materials or samples and ideas that I’m working on. It doesn’t shout with colour because I love the neutral feel and see patterns on the cardboard I’ve collected everywhere.
On my desk
My desk is a collection of random things that have caught my eye. They are simply the things that I’m drawn to and feel inspired by, especially materials with pattern and texture.
Working closely under my desk lamp I’ll initially sketch out ideas, spending lots of time on the form of a product which I think’s really important.
There are few homely touches too; simple shelving and some plants to keep me company.
Everything comes together to give me new ideas. I just feel incredibly lucky to have this space to work in - and I can’t resist a smiley face.
To see more of my work behind the scenes, you can find me on Instagram here.